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Immigrants Chapter-73 (The Enwrapped) [Al-Muzzammil] Verse-9 He is the Lord of the East and the West. There is no god but He. So take Him alone as your protector.
The job of the executive is to; dictate, define, and direct all the money to specified areas. In the western governments, the executive is separate from the business owners. This means that there is a mediator, actually many, who slows down the development while interfering with the policies of the nation. These mediators are called special interest groups or lobbyists. In Islam there is no separation between the government and the people. The people are the policymakers. Each leader is defined by their ability, not to lead, but to do. Since the executive deals with economic growth, should the leaders be elected, because they will direct other people’s money, or accepted naturally because they have shown an ability to use money through already having it? In the western governments it is the first. In Islam it is the second. Islam teaches us how to use our money to build a better society. Islam does not teach us about controlling other people’s money. In terms of controlling other people’s money, centralized authority could be built from a centralized storage of money, of which we currently call a bank, stock market, or investment company. Islam teaches that if you have money you can; make more, feed the poor, employ other people and buy things for other people. But look at the west! Money first goes to the government, that central authority. That false idol called representation. I testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah! I represent my actions. There is a famous saying from our Prophet (peace and blessings on him) about the time we live in. It goes something like, “There will be a time when Bedouin will live near tall buildings.” The point of it is that just because there are big buildings, it does not mean there is a lack of poverty. In any case, the problem lies with the separation of people and government. There are two main sections in the executive; land and economy. Land deals with what we are born into; the world without human interaction. The economy deals with our interaction with this land. As the Qur’an tells us, we follow in the footsteps of Adam as a trustee on earth. The Qur’an also tells us that our Prophet is an example for us to follow. It is commonly argued by tyrants that Prophets receive from people what they want. It is argued by naïve people, that Prophets ask for nothing except enduring hardships. Both types of people are misguided. Prophets are men like us. They eat and sleep just like we do. This means we control our money and our economic leaders direct our money towards profitable investments. The leaders of our leaders then use that money to invest in larger forms of profit. The way it works is very similar to Shari’a, which directs our questions unanswerable from our Imams to their Imams until a question becomes unanswerable until the Day of Judgment. The man of the house invests it into a variety of community economic leaders. They in turn invest it into a regional community who in turn invest into the States’ economy. Essentially, the profit or loss of the investment is the public treasury, or profit of the government. An investor (head of household) can limit where money is spent but should not limit the amount. What do I mean by investment? I mean any exchange of money for; goods, services, or resources. If you go to a business and buy a product, you are investing in that company to succeed. The more capital generated, as the western-trained capitalist might say, should give more of a chance that a business stays open. The lender (the individual) always has the money available, provided the individual is working, and any loss is paid from the rich to the poor, in a variety of ways including; handouts, lending of money, or even lower prices on what is sold, because in economic hardship, which to the rich is always from poor management of money, the poor suffer and the rich are sad. This will be explained from verses of the Qur’an under the section on capitalism.

  1. Animals
    1. Animals that Create Food
      Chapter-2 (The Cow) [Al-Baqarah]
    2. Groups of Animals
      Chapter-6 (The Cattle) [Al-An'am]
    3. Animals that Create Taste
      Chapter-16 (The Bee) [An-Nahl]
    4. Animals that Control other Animals
      Chapter-29 (The Spider) [Al-'Ankabut]
    5. Animals that Control the Land
      Chapter-27 (The Ants) [An-Naml]
    6. Animals that Work
      Chapter-105 (The Elephant) [Al-Fil]
  2. Real Estate
    1. Measurable Change
      Chapter-7 (The Wall Between Heaven and Hell)
    2. Underground Homes of Animals
      Chapter-15 (The Rock) [al-Hijr]
    3. Surfaces Homes of Animals
      Chapter-18 (The Cave) [Al-Kahf]
    4. Empty Places
      Chapter-46 (The Sand hills, Wind-curved sand hills) [Al-Ahqaf]
    5. Normal Homes for Animals
      Chapter-49 (The Apartments, Private Apartments) [Al-Hujurat]
    6. Places With Measurable Land to Life Ratios
      Chapter-52 (The Mountain, The Mount) [At-Tur]
    7. Places of Interaction between Life and the Environment
      Chapter-90 (The City) [Al-Balad]
    8. The Change between Living and Dying
      Chapter-95 (The Resurrection, The Rising of the Dead) [Al-Qiyamah]
  3. Land Crises Management
    1. Energy Surge
      Chapter-13 (Thunder) [Ar-Ra'd]
    2. Energy Production
      Chapter-24 (The Light) [An-Nur]
    3. Energy Loss
      Chapter-44 (Smoke, Drought) [Ad-Dukhan]
    4. Energy Reduction
      Chapter-51 (The Dispersing) [Ad-Dhariyat]
    5. Time Management
      Chapter-76 (Time) [Al-Insan]
    6. In the Event of an Emergency
      Chapter-99 (The Earthquake) [Al-Zilzal]
    7. Tunnel Vision with Resources
      Chapter-111 (Materialism) [Al-Lahab]

Primary Market-Waqf
  1. Resources
    Chapter-57 (Iron) [Al-Hadid]
  2. Trade
    Chapter-95 (The Fig) [At-Tin]
  3. Produce
    Chapter-5 (The Feast) [Al-Ma'idah]
  4. Retail
    Chapter-43 (Ornaments of Gold) [Az-Zukhruf]
  5. Medicine
    Chapter-96 (The Embryo) [Al-'Alaq]
Secondary Market-Zakat
  1. Economic Democracy
    Chapter-64 (Exposition) [At-Taghabun]
  2. Money
    Chapter-70 (The Steps) [Al-Ma'arij]
  3. Stocks
    Chapter-102 (Plenitude) [At-Takathur]
  4. Charity
    Chapter-107 (Things of Common Use) [Al-Ma'un]
  5. Investments
    Chapter-108 (Pre-eminence) [Al-Kauthar]

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